61 Reading through our class notes, it is hard to believe that the airline industry is suffering. The travels of our '61 classmates alone should be a shot in the arm to the international carriers. Barbara Lester Margolin wrote, "We spend half of each week (when we're not traveling) at our vacation home in West Dover, VT. We travel to London each November and April and spend a week in New Orleans every December. We just returned from a North Atlantic cruise visiting Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands." By the time you read this column, the Margolins will have returned from a planned trip to Egypt. Barbara comments, "Obviously, we love traveling. The only challenge is that I move a lot slower than I did racing up and down the hills as an undergraduate." Rochelle Miller Cohen reports that she is "traveling a great deal," when not knitting and sewing for her extended family while home in Indianapolis.
Globetrotter Ed Goldman notes, "In November 2009 we took our biannual 'big trip.' This one was to Melbourne, Tasmania, the Great Ocean Road on the South Coast, and, of course, Sydney. Australia is a fine country and Sydney is the best city we've visited." Note to Ed: Send us an update; we would love to hear about the "big" 2010 trip. Gail Kweller Ripans reports from her home in Atlanta. "I've been lecturing on US foreign policy, traveling, entertaining, and being a grandparent. My government courses help me lecture professionally. Allan '55 and I belong to the Georgia Chapter of Cornell's Hotel Society and split our time between our home in Atlanta and a condo in St. Petersburg Beach, FL."
Among classmates staying a bit closer to home, Robert Treadway (Ann Arbor, MI) competed in—and won—his age group (70-plus) in the National Cherry Festival 15K race held in Traverse City. In addition, Robert is a classroom partner at the U. of Michigan English Language Program for residents of university housing and an English teacher for the Beijing Second Foreign Language U. Kullikki Sprenk Steen writes, "I'm retired from medicine and I own a part of Warner, NH. It is a gift shop/art gallery/art supply and bookstore with lots of wonderful toys for all ages (we never get too old to collect action figures, do we?). I bought the house next door to my store so that I didn't need to worry and feel guilty when the snow came off the roof onto my neighbor's driveway—and it is a really short commute to the store." Peggy Thomas has sold the "big" home and bought a smaller one that she is now renovating. Peggy is still in Ridgefield, CT, and spends time helping young readers and working with the elderly and infirm.
Some brief updates. From Leonard Kalcheim: "I've been dividing my time between Los Angeles and Palm Springs, CA, with occasional trips to New York City. I'm looking forward to full retirement soon." Donald Low writes, "I'm still trying to deal with the real estate crunch in Southern California. I've recently downsized and live in Calabasas." He adds, tongue-in-cheek, "My volunteer work consists of helping Irwin Russo walk across his driveway in Studio City. He reciprocates for me when in Calabasas." Charles McChesney (Scenic Ridge, CT) enjoys the outdoor sports, skiing, and snowboarding at Seven Springs in western Pennsylvania and at Sugarloaf in Maine. He spends the summers at Lake Chautauqua in New York. John Foster resides in Wolfeboro, NH. Bill Magee is a member of the Assembly for the 111th district in the New York Legislature. Bill resides in Oneida and spends much of his legislative work on the New York State budget. He also volunteers at benefit auctions and has been an active auctioneer for 49 years.
To end this column I have news from Reg Woods, MBA '63, my friend, Mechanical Engineering classmate, and fraternity brother. Reg and wife Kathie still enjoy their country life near Charlottesville, VA, where Reg is engaged nearly full-time in his technology startups. The latest is HemoShear LLC, which has a breakthrough platform technology for combining human cells in co-culture under blood flow conditions to build organ models for new drug discovery and development. The vascular model has already attracted collaboration contracts with three global pharmas, and a liver model is expected to be completed this year, with other organ models to follow. Reg and Kathie are blessed to have two daughters and three grandchildren nearby, as well as a son and daughter-in-law in St. Louis. They still make time for golf, travel, and Habitat for Humanity. Recent visitors to the farm include Charlie Betz and Carolyn, Bob Mosher and Jeanne, and Dave Shanks and Cynthia, all of whom vow to attend our 50th in 2011.
By the time you read this issue, we will be just months away from reunion and in serious need of your input. Make plans to attend and please remember to send us your thoughts and whereabouts. Be sure to check out our website, http://www.cornell61.org. Doug Fuss, dougout@attglobal.net.